Princess Loly

Birthed in Snowhelm, Princess Loly is the daughter to Queen Eira, and she has an inherit love for nature and forestry environments. She is a kind soul that loves animals and befriends the creatures she encounters. Her beauty is defined by her inherent kindness and purity.

Surrounded by a loving family and a supportive community of neighbors, Princess Loly developed purist attributes, such as being: angelic, faithful, gentle, graceful, kind, loving, optimistic, and an overall selfless individual. She is imbued with courage; thus, she is likely to be much more adventurous than other elves of the same age. Though generally childlike and gentle, she can also be assertive at times, due to her shadowing her authoritative mother-figure.

Princess Loly is also a dreamer, giver, and cares a great deal for her fellow elves, as well as all the creatures within, and around, Waesteria – the city where she was born and raised. Her kindness, positivity and optimism act as her greatest strengths, to keep her dream alive and guide her safely through the various challenges she faces through her life.

With a great desire for peace, and a loving heart for justice, Princess Loly uses her Wand of Alteration, bestowed to her, by her Father, to help others. She was also blessed with innate powers, the moment she was born, to: imbue newborn elves with the natural ability to glimmer and soar, ingrain newborn elves with competency, independence, and strength, and alter every living individual’s dreams into reality. She is the hope and future of Snowhelm.


ChArActer FActs

Loly Glaze Statuette

Loly Crystal Statuette

All Pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.


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