Marshal Herman

Herman, also known as Marshal Herman, is an elf who guards Crystaalwood Forest, one that is closest to the northern borders of Luxorhelm. He has sworn to be the guide to Queen Abriel, after their initial contact at the border of Luxorhelm, as he saw her as an inspiration to all elves throughout the lands.

Marshal Herman is an artisan, a blacksmith, and a warrior with the best craftmanship in all the lands, coupled with hawkeye vision and hyper-sensitive hearing for battle. He is the mightiest warrior within the entirety of the Luxurian clan and possesses the best physical and mental attributes, such as: being reasonably subtle, having a diamond-cut countenance, considerable empathy towards others, and invaluable dexterity.

He first discovered his eye for aesthetic appeal and his outstanding knack for craftsmanship during the War of the Blood Diamond, prior to the Aetherim War, where different clans battled for invaluable resources for craftsmanship purposes. Besides the aesthetic appeal, similar to all elves, he has great respect and appreciation for the beauty of nature as well. Underneath his shrouded veil of superiority, he is kind and cares greatly for his friends, to the point where even Loly, from Snowhelm, started to express the true longing for Marshal Herman.

As a second nature to Marshal Herman, his passion for artisanship made him thrive in his community, as he exudes stoic patience for his ideas and creations. With his hawkeye vision, he is able to peer through basic creations, allowing him to advance forward unhindered and craft prodigious tools and weapons. On the side of battle, he is unquestionably loyal to his queen, and realm, and is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of protecting the Luxurian clan. On the other hand, he too relentlessly guards nature as if they are his kin, protecting every living creation within the realm.

ChArActer FActs

Herman Statuette

Herman Widdowson
Herman Widdowson
Herman Widdowson

All Pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.

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